Puerto Valencia, Amazon

Puerto Valencia - Amazon : Visit to the natural reserve of Natamú and the community of Valencia. We noticed the lack of electricity in the places where we stayed, and a great dependence on non-renewable energies for transportation, food and health. This is largely due to the little support provided to Leticia and other areas of the Amazon, which remain marginalized from development in the larger capitals of the country.


We were surprised by the good relationship they had with the environment and especially with the Amazon River, and it inspired us to continue promoting and creating renewable energy sources. After socializing our work with them, they showed great interest, and for this reason, our goal is to install one of our solutions in this community in the near future. 

Cost : $140.000.000   

Beneficiary population : 200 people

Stage : 2


Rochester School, Bogota


Cabo de La Vela, La Guajira